Orlando Magic Fail

Image by Markus Spiske

“However, if contributions are made on behalf of an entire team, using money earned through the labor of its employees, it is incumbent upon the team governors to consider the diverse values and perspectives of staff and players. The Magic’s donation does not represent player support for the recipient.”

NBA players union in response to Orlando Magic donation to the DeSantis for President campaign.

The NBA’s Orlando Magic have recently made a grievous error.  Let us hope it was an error because it is so egregious that it is hard to fathom that it could have been made in good conscious. Or maybe it was and the owners of the team just do not give a damn. People have every right to support any political candidate of their choice. But sometimes our rights clash with what is right. A small change in wording that can echo in history.

The owner of the team has made a $50, 000 donation to a super Pac that supports the Presidential candidacy of Ron DeSantis. The same man who canceled the teaching of AP African American history in Florida schools and is the driving force to stamp out what he calls “woke indoctrination” and “critical race theory”. This is the vehicle DeSantis is using to quash people from learning about discrimination and racism in schools and actually had the nerve to suggest that slaves were able to develop skills that “could be applied for their personal benefit,” This is sadly bigoted thinking, openly rearing its head in present day America.

But this was not always the case for the Magic. In 2020 while America was mourning the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and many more, the Magic issued a statement supporting black people.

This from Magic CEO, Alex Martins in 2020, “We will stand with our neighbors and the nation in condemn the horrific and senseless death of George Floyd. There have been far too many victims of racial bias and abuses of power, particularly in the black community. As an organization, we remain deeply committed to providing an environment where all can feel welcomed, valued and appreciated, where all are treated with dignity and respect”

After the summer of 2020, the Orlando Magic were also part of a group of NBA Governors that formed the Social Justice Coalition. This group’s purpose was to address many of the social issues being protested that year. Issues such as police brutality, discrimination, racism and criminal justice reform. Areas that statistically affect black people more than other races. Were they actually trying to do some good or was it just more lip service?

So, I guess we can all be thankful for three years without open racism. But as with most things in life, your true colors eventually are exposed to see the light. What are you telling the fans, the employees and most of all the players? In case the owners of the Orlando Magic have missed it, this is not the 1950’s anymore. According to 2021 figures, the NBA is 73.1% Black. Another thing to note is that it is a player driven league. Fans pay to see the players play. Who actually goes to see the owner? No one.

This is yet another opportunity for people to band together and let these owners know that behavior like this will not be tolerated. And, unfortunately, the only way to get them to see the light is to hit them in their pocketbooks. That is the only way to get them to listen. Let’s “Bud Light” them! Turn their tactics around and pressure them to change. Let us cancel them! Do not go to games or watch on television. Do not buy the merchandise. It only has to be for a few games. We have the power and they would have no choice but to listen,

DeSantis embodies racism and bigotry. If an NBA franchise can openly support him, what can be said of ourselves? How do we look ourselves in the mirror the next day?


Book Ban


Psych…AP no more