Book Ban

September 1 marks the day that Texas Law will require booksellers to evaluate and rate books they have and will sell to schools on sexual content. Classics such as “Romeo and Juliet” and “Of Mice and Men” are potentially set to be banned in Texas schools.

This is one of many laws that have come to light in conservative states. In Arkansas, they are in court trying to block another such law. This Texas law would allow the state to file criminal charges against booksellers and librarians if they provide “harmful” materials to minors. Parent’s want better control of the narrative of their kid’s education but will not actually spend time and energy “parenting”. Let us blame the librarian and the bookseller who have nothing to do with any of this. Neither actually wrote the books in question nor do they control school curriculum.

After signing the bill into law, Texas Governor Greg Abbott praised the measure as one that “gets that trash out of our schools.” Shakespeare and Steinbeck are considered trash now? When will this craziness cease? Under this law, “sexually relevant” materials (material that portray sex) could only be checked out with parent’s permission. This “sexual relevant” designation can cover health books, historical works, encyclopedias, dictionaries and even religious texts.

Yet some believe that the real reasons behind this law is to weed out literature dealing with LGBTQ+ subject matter. This makes so much more sense. Because we all know that the ignorant will become part of the LGTBQ+ community if they read about it in a book or see an example of it in school. So sad that it is 2023 and this discussion will not go away. In fact, it keeps getting worse.

State officials would review vendor ratings and can request changes if they consider them incorrect. School districts and charter schools would be banned from contracting with booksellers who refuse to comply.

Fast forward and we see booksellers fighting back. State rep Jim Patterson one of the republican authors of the bill knew a lawsuit was coming. He says “I fully recognize the far left will do anything to maintain their ability to sexualize our children?” On the other hand, Texas asks the bookseller to judge what is and is not appropriate. Then penalize the companies if they do not like their choices. I ask you how is can be fair or even Democratic? Do people in Texas not read? This law is wrong in so many ways but should not the people of Texas make these decisions for themselves? Parents should read everything their children read. After they should discuss these books and make sure that they are appropriate for their respective age. But this requires effort and actual parenting. I can tell you this, if it involved High School Football, there would never be a peep from anyone in the state. Anyone who believes that high school sports are not sexualized then they have forgotten their high school experience.

Booksellers have sued in federal court. The lawsuit argues that the law is vague, a violation of free speech rights and an undue burden on them. I agree with all of this and wish them well. If the law stands, then it is another example of Texas putting its head in the sand and letting the world pass them by. In my mind, people, all people, and ideas are sacred. Texas chooses to turn its back on both.


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