No Honor

Photo by Jon Tyson

I do not even bother watching anything about Trump’s trial in New York involving Stormie Daniels the former porn star. Okay, true confession, I did read about her testimony. Come on, it could have been interesting. But he’s so lawyered up that nothing is going to come of it. He is the new “Teflon Don”, nothing will stick to this asshole. His destiny is to plague this country with his childish outbursts and vengeful rhetoric that does not even befit a young child. But masses of people still look to him as a leader and not the selfish, immature fool that he really is. One only need to look at his constant whining about Biden not having a decent immigration plan and border policy. When the Biden Administration develops a comprehensive plan, what happened? Trump tells his cronies in Congress not to consider it. Trump wants to be the one to come up with a new plan to control the border. He will not be able to rail at President Biden on the campaign trail this Fall otherwise.  Trump speaks and Republicans fall all over themselves to do his bidding.

Look at all of the lies and underhanded dealings that Trump has done in the last few years alone. He does not give a damn about the “common man or woman”. How is it that people are unable to see that? What will it take for you to get past the façade and understand who he really is? You will not believe the news but look to these fringe outlets that outright lie to you and you believe them. To the conservative masses, it is gospel. The Chinese and the Russians probably sit in restaurants and laugh as they tell jokes about how badly they are manipulating us each day.

The sad part is that it is us, the “everyday person”, that loses. These millionaires and billionaires may suffer what they call “paper losses” but it will not affect them in the long run. Meanwhile, you and I lose, even if we support different sides. The game is rigged and our inability to find even the slightest common ground is what dooms us to maintain this holding pattern in the quagmire of life. Figure it out everyone. Before it is too late. We, the people, hold the power but we are unable to get together enough to wield it. The hamster treadmill is set up to control us. The question is will we continue to allow it to do so?

The hate we see and feel right now is so sad. Trump rails against the judges presiding over his trials. He calls New York Justice Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the “hush money” trial, “highly conflicted” and running a “Kangaroo Court” and his followers jump on board. Some even calling for Merchan and Judges handling his other cases to be executed. For what? Upholding the law? Something a President has sworn to do. Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the 2024 election if he loses and he refused to answer. Of course, he did not have the guts to answer one way or the other. People may die like on January 6th, but he does not care. Cowards never have the courage to identify with the truth. Nor will they stand up and accept responsibility for their actions.

If they have money, their lawyers keep pushing until everyone else is so worn down they have little fight left in them. And Trump wins in the end. Does it matter that he uses all of his follower’s money that they donate to his legal defense fund? Trump does not care about anyone that supports him. His supporters are just fodder to boost his ego. Stones to step on so he doesn’t have to muddy his shoes when he crosses the street. These fools blindly follow a man that has no moral code or honor. A real “person” who is befitting the office of the President of the United States would not beg for your dollars to fund his defense. A real President would stand tall and courageously face his accusers and stare them in the eye and proclaim their innocence They would fight for his or her defense. Unless you are a person who slithers out from under rocks and avoids the sunshine. Trump will just chew you up and then just spit you out when there’s no more flavor. Then you just end up stuck on the bottom of someone else’s shoe.


Jerk Kicker
