And then they didn’t care…

Photo by Brittani Burns

Harley-Davidson, Lowe’s, John Deere and now The Ford Motor Company have all become members of the “cowering chickens club”. Not necessarily a new group but rather an old one that was founded as early as the first settlers ever came to this country. It is a club based on profit and exclusion. The prerequisite for membership is that you are a white male and that you worship the almighty dollar above all else. These companies have all decided to scale back or most likely end their efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Thus, taking them back to more archaic levels of civilization. Just the way they like it.

Why is this happening? It seems that the success of the “bud lighting” campaign has inspired the ignorant to push even further. This time there is a conservative activist, Robby Starbuck (He likes to go by Starbuck) whose anti-DEI campaign is gaining in strength across the country.  Companies do not want controversy. More importantly, they do not want to lose money. Heaven forbid their stock prices fall.

Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson.            

“…could not be more disappointed to see Ford Motor Company Shirking its responsibility to its employees, consumers and shareholders…consumers should take note that Ford Motor Company has abandoned its commitment to our communities.”

And there it is again. These companies have to follow the immediate effects on their stocks. Profit in the “now” is far more important than what will happen down the line. It is about the present and not planting seeds for future growth and sales. These companies face difficult challenges to make money in this day and age, but how are we to progress into the future when large mainstream companies are so afraid to let go of the past? The conservative right continues to fight progressive ideals with ignorance, racism and a neglect for common decency. Donald Trump’s ideals could not reach a snake’s belly. Why should his followers be any different?

Shaun Harper professor of education and business at the University of Southern California and the founder of the Race and Equity Center.

“The larger takeaway is about the fragility of corporate DEI initiatives. If one person can take to X and ultimately inflame a campaign to dismantle DEI in large companies, it means things were not strong to begin with. Most companies and the people who lead them were not committed to this in the first place.”

Starbuck feels that DEI programs are “evil” and a “Trojan horse for pushing leftism.” He is leading a right-wing wave of opportunity to fuel his desire for fame and notoriety. He was a music producer but maybe he could not handle the pressure. Starbuck does not believe in LGBTQ+ rights or climate change. He feels that LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations promote sex to children. In fact, his wife, Landon, is a leading advocate in Tennessee for right wing causes such as “banning both transgender-affirming medical care for minors and drag shows with children present”. I find it so difficult to believe that these people really think this way. The reason so many feel that it is just a ploy for fame and notoriety is that we are unable to believe that people really believe this stuff.

Starbuck - “I don’t think (climate change activism) does anything to help anybody. I think doing it might make somebody in HR feel better about themselves because they got their company to say the words ‘climate change’.”

Brayden King professor of management and organization at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management

“Companies have to consider that the political climate will change again, and when it does, they will be judged differently than they are now for dropping their climate and emissions goal. The consequences for climate change are going to be more visible and more serious with each year.”

There are so many positives that come with DEI. Employee motivation is increased and companies are able to lower employee attrition. This alone can boost profits. How much time do we spend training people across the country each year?

Alvin Telley Jr. professor of political science and director of the Center for the Study of Diversity and Democracy at Northwestern University

“This must be weighed against higher emissions and fewer Asian, Black and Latino employees. But the problems are far greater. Harley Davidson and John Deere have older customer bases and their decisions may alienate customers and workers their businesses will need to rely on in the future.”

And climate change effects so many businesses and people by driving up costs for all of us. Many of the companies shunning climate change policies have all admitted that climate change poses significant dangers to their bottom lines. Really? DEI can save and make money for businesses and climate change can have the opposite effect on profits. I must admit that I am not following the logic. So, what they are telling us is that companies are paying people a lot of money to make poor decisions.

The Supreme Court ended affirmative Action and Trump will end “woke” programs created under the Biden administration. As this wave of right-wing politics grows, companies across the country continue to shy away from investing in DEI programs. JD Vance introduced the “Dismantle DEI Act”. It would end all federal DEI programs and funding for government agencies and contractors that have DEI programs.

The left needs to unite and weaponize its buying power. We need political unity. People need to be organized into common causes. Ford can go to hell. The is no minority that should buy Ford again unless it changes its stance. Wake up people! We hold the power. Let’s use it!


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